Friday, January 2, 2009

and after a short break....

I RETURN!! lol yes I slipped out of the blogging world once again only to come crawling back begging for another chance. Will you have me again?

So lots of stuff happened in the last few months. After going to bat for Ariel and seeing a Pediatrician who recommended she have support still in school, in the month it took to get that to happen, her teacher (Mrs. S) decided that she did not NEED the support anymore. She is functioning in her class wonderfully and Mrs. S couldn't be happier with her progress! We are THRILLED! We would rather her be able to function in a classroom without any outside help so this is the best outcome. Mario has been doing well in his school work but has been expressing himself a bit too physically with his breaktime friends. This is sooo not like Mario. He is a lover not a fighter. But I know that he is struggling to find his place in this group of boys and they all are..well....boys that make sounds when punching into the air and want to play war and generally are rougher than girls. He thought that pushing, etc would get him noticed more and it sure did but not in the way he wished for...alot of fireside talks with Mom and Dad. I think we finally have that under control thank goodness!

Had some nice time with hubby over the Christmas break and now we are back into the grind again. I don't start back to work until the 7th of January which gives me a bit more time to relax because I need to. I am sick with this doozer of a cold. It has my head feeling like a football full of lard. Worst one I have had in years bar none. It's been over a week now and no relief in sight so I just keep drinking my water and popping Vitamin C's and praying for sweet relief.

Well off I go to pound some more water and play with these kids. Maybe if I throw a doughnut outside they will