Monday, September 8, 2008

Long weary days

Well I knew this would happen, or thought, but hoped it wouldn't. Mario has hit the wall. He was going all day to Grade One without any problems and was happy when you picked him up and had lots of stories to tell about teachers and friends. Today was the end of the happiness. Mario is TIRED. His eyes are purple and a general grumpy shell of himself has emerged. Oh no he would NEVER admit it..that would mean admitting that maybe he should go to bed a bit earlier tonight. Heaven FORBID!

He came into our room last night at 3am and when I shot up in bed he said "You said you would read a story for me". Ummmm are you SERIOUS??!! Get BACK in bed mister and I don't want to see you until the sun comes up! We have had issues with Mario staying in bed since about the age of 4 but that's a whole NOTHER post (or novel). So I think the reason he is MORE tired today stems mainly from our late night visit. Poor Mario, he just looks a mess.

So he is in bed now as well as Ariel who went to her first Kindy class with all the kids present. She just LOVES school and has made a tonne of friends already (according to her). The other day on her first day of school, they were showing the kids where the bathrooms were and I guess Ariel looked in and saw Mario in the boys bathroom. So she decided to run on in and proceed to pick up Mario in front of all his very manly 6 year old buddies. Ariel is very tall for her age and freakishly strong. So I was listening to the ego crushing story from Mario, waiting for the lifting him up part but that was not the reason he was upset. That didn't even make it in the story. He was more upset that she had the NERVE to come in the BOYS bathroom in front of all his friends and told me I "need to talk to her about that."

Ok Mario, I'll get right on that.

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