Thursday, October 2, 2008

Coming out Swinging

WELL what a week I had! Last Thursday Ariel's Kindy teacher came out to tell me that they were stopping her support (aka teacher's aid) at school if we didn't get her in to see a Pediatrician. Ummmm huh? Mrs. S explained that they had their weekly meeting and the Special Needs co-ordinator has decided that Ariel doesn't need the aid as much as another child in Kindy. She told her that unless Ariel has another issue/problem then just based on her having ADHD doesn't qualify her for an aid.

Mrs. S expressed to me how much she NEEDS the aid in her class at least for right now and to get her into a pediatrician ASAP and to get ready to fight. Ok, I go home and get my boxing gloves out.

I start writing letters. Letters to my MLA, Ministry of Children with Disabilities and the Ministry of Education. I was on FIRE and was going to get some answers!!

Hubby took the kids to school on Monday and talked with the Principal. He tells the hubby that they are not taking it away but the aid had quit, so they are trying to find another aid. I am thinking that they are looking to cut support to kids they think can semi-cope while they are looking for a replacement. Or maybe they are not even looking and just hoping that Ariel will get through this and everyone will be just fine.

They don't know Ariel very well.

While she is doing much better in the rage department, she is still very active and is almost impossible to have sit for more than 5 mins. Her attention span is everywhere and can distract the entire class in one fail SWOOP.

So we got her a referral to a Pediatrician for the end of the month. Let's hope in the meantime that Mrs. S doesn't shave her head and start rocking back and forth in the fetal position. I may have to pass HER a bottle of Merlot.


WheresMyAngels said...

I could never get a one on one aide for my oldest daughter, even though she so needed it. The funding in our area was way too tight and their were so many kids getting special services.

Good luck with the fight! I have ADHD and as an adult it is very frustrating because people just see me as dingy.

Mrs. Schmitty said...

Stop by my blog, you are a contender! ;)