Friday, January 2, 2009

and after a short break....

I RETURN!! lol yes I slipped out of the blogging world once again only to come crawling back begging for another chance. Will you have me again?

So lots of stuff happened in the last few months. After going to bat for Ariel and seeing a Pediatrician who recommended she have support still in school, in the month it took to get that to happen, her teacher (Mrs. S) decided that she did not NEED the support anymore. She is functioning in her class wonderfully and Mrs. S couldn't be happier with her progress! We are THRILLED! We would rather her be able to function in a classroom without any outside help so this is the best outcome. Mario has been doing well in his school work but has been expressing himself a bit too physically with his breaktime friends. This is sooo not like Mario. He is a lover not a fighter. But I know that he is struggling to find his place in this group of boys and they all are..well....boys that make sounds when punching into the air and want to play war and generally are rougher than girls. He thought that pushing, etc would get him noticed more and it sure did but not in the way he wished for...alot of fireside talks with Mom and Dad. I think we finally have that under control thank goodness!

Had some nice time with hubby over the Christmas break and now we are back into the grind again. I don't start back to work until the 7th of January which gives me a bit more time to relax because I need to. I am sick with this doozer of a cold. It has my head feeling like a football full of lard. Worst one I have had in years bar none. It's been over a week now and no relief in sight so I just keep drinking my water and popping Vitamin C's and praying for sweet relief.

Well off I go to pound some more water and play with these kids. Maybe if I throw a doughnut outside they will

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Coming out Swinging

WELL what a week I had! Last Thursday Ariel's Kindy teacher came out to tell me that they were stopping her support (aka teacher's aid) at school if we didn't get her in to see a Pediatrician. Ummmm huh? Mrs. S explained that they had their weekly meeting and the Special Needs co-ordinator has decided that Ariel doesn't need the aid as much as another child in Kindy. She told her that unless Ariel has another issue/problem then just based on her having ADHD doesn't qualify her for an aid.

Mrs. S expressed to me how much she NEEDS the aid in her class at least for right now and to get her into a pediatrician ASAP and to get ready to fight. Ok, I go home and get my boxing gloves out.

I start writing letters. Letters to my MLA, Ministry of Children with Disabilities and the Ministry of Education. I was on FIRE and was going to get some answers!!

Hubby took the kids to school on Monday and talked with the Principal. He tells the hubby that they are not taking it away but the aid had quit, so they are trying to find another aid. I am thinking that they are looking to cut support to kids they think can semi-cope while they are looking for a replacement. Or maybe they are not even looking and just hoping that Ariel will get through this and everyone will be just fine.

They don't know Ariel very well.

While she is doing much better in the rage department, she is still very active and is almost impossible to have sit for more than 5 mins. Her attention span is everywhere and can distract the entire class in one fail SWOOP.

So we got her a referral to a Pediatrician for the end of the month. Let's hope in the meantime that Mrs. S doesn't shave her head and start rocking back and forth in the fetal position. I may have to pass HER a bottle of Merlot.

Monday, September 22, 2008

This Meme is from Mrs. Schmitty's blog. She had hilarious answers so I'm going to give it a go!

1. MY ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car) Tildy Plymouth

2. MY GANGSTA NAME: (favorite ice cream flavor, favorite cookie) Winter White Chocolate chip

3. MY "FLY Guy/Girl" NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name) JWag

4. MY DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal) Pink Rottweiler

5. MY SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born) Louise Victoria

6. MY STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first) WAGJa

7. MY SUPERHERO NAME: (“The” plus 2nd favorite color, favorite drink) The Purple Martini

8. MY NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers) Robert Ernest

9. MY STRIPPER NAME: (the name of your favorite perfume/cologne, favorite candy) Accenti JU JU

10.MY WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother's & father's middle names ) Louise Stanley

11. MY TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter) Homberg Houston

12. MY SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday, flower) Autumn Freesia

13. MY CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”) Banana Jammie

14. MY HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree) Kashi Willow

15. MY ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME: (”The” + Your favorite hobby/craft, favorite weather element + “Tour") The Stamping Snow Tour

Thanks Mrs. Schmitty!! That was FUN!! lmao!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Change of the Season

Fall has arrived on the West Coast even though it's not official until tomorrow. Today it is overcast, cooler and forecast for rain. For it's arrival I prepared! Last night I went downstairs into the dungeon, I mean garage, and brought up my big buckets labelled "FALL DECORATIONS". I tried to do this quietly as the kids go bananas over decorating, which they should, but I have my own little Type A complex of wanting certain things in a certain place. So out came the foam pumpkins, the beaded pumpkins, the door wreath, Jack O' Lantern place mats, Fall tablecloth, millions of candles, my big ceramic pumpkin for my table, strands of leaves and the like and my Scarecrow Flag for the front of the house. Yes, if you haven't caught on I LOVE to decorate. I love to create a feel for the Season in the house. I have oils for every season that I put in my burners that let off the most delicious smells of Apple pie, Cherry pie, Pumpkin Spice omg it's amazing I haven't dumped them in my coffee! I am going to work on little Fall personalized door signs for the kid's bedrooms with their names and leaves, pumpkins, etc in the hopes that they can be infected by this decorating bug too. Poor kids!

Another collection was changed over last night as well. My Fall coffee mug selection was brought forward. I have a small obsession with coffee mugs. I LOVE COFFEE MUGS. Ok it has been said. Hello, my name is Janis and I am a mugoholic. Hmm sounds like I go around mugging people..haven't slumped that low yet. I have mugs that have Halloween, pumpkins, leaves and ghosts on them. My favorite is this one that looks like a pumpkin with a leaf and twig handle. I feel like I should go and jump out in a pile of leaves after drinking my coffee out of it. Never have, but feel like it. That would be a sight for the neighbours! One that would probably get me committed.

So I am trying to go with the warm fuzzy feel of Fall today despite my kids. I have already had to clean up half a JUG of Fruit and Veggie juice off my kitchen floor, pick up a million Rice Krispies on my carpet and explain to my 4 year old that you don't squeeze your Minigo yogurt out of the container like Popeye does his Spinach.

Maybe I'll go light up my oil burner and stare at my mug collection one more time.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

On the Chain Gang

So I have worked full time for the past 2 weeks. Full time in the dental world is 4 days a week so I am finishing up my last day tomorrow (thank the LORD). I seriously do not know how I did this prior to kids! I am DEAD at the end of a day and have no drive to exercise or make dinner or stand upright. Working combined with getting the kids to school, lunches, swimming, skating and playdates and I am tired.

Last night was awful on many levels. First, this month's PMS is like triple packed. Either I had it easy the past few months or I'm going to get off easy the months after this one coming because I was like a ravenous bear going through the kitchen last night. Nothing was off limits. I may confess that I may have exhibited semi-eating disorder characteristics during my raid. There was a chocolate chip bag raid, the chew, the "hmm these taste like wax" and finally the spit out into the garbage. IT can have those waxy calories. Is that normal? So I had the guilt complex following me around the kitchen. I would open the freezer, look at the Ice Cream, take it out of the freezer, look at the fat grams, put in back in the freezer and go onto the fridge again. Then the cupboards...hmm granola bars? nah...too many carbs, mini animal cookies? no the kids need those for school. I did manage to ditch the guilt and eat a Rice Krispie bar, Curves bar and a tonne of almonds. Not great but not totally bad either.

I went this afternoon and signed up at the local gym for a 2 year contract. Hopefully they can help me gain my energy back. I go on Wednesday for my "Real Age" test with "Dan". I am scared...what if it says I am really 50. EEk. This test better not involve a scale or all bets are OFF. Dan will be testing himself cause I do not need THAT much real in my life THAT early in the morning thanks. Plus AF will be around by then and I will be looking like a Blow fish with a peanut allergy after eating a PB &J. Hmm maybe I should go make a call.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Teenager snuck in my house!

Something is disappearing in my house faster than I can stock it and it is driving me CRAZY! No, it doesn't help that I have raging PMS hormones but my husband is regressing back to a teenager and drinking all my skim milk in buckets! WTF??! Every time I turn around I am having to go buy more milk and I am one glass away from buying my own rigged up taser for my fridge!! (hmm I wonder if that would make nice foam for my lattes? ) HUGE glasses 2-3 a DAY. I would have no problem (or less of one) if he was trying to diet, low on Calcium or hadn't grown pubic hair yet, but he is not and has plenty of the last item *cough cough* I digress..

So he drinks all MY skim milk and then eats bowls of ICE CREAM at night *raises one eyebrow* I have told him that he better show up with the odd gallon here and there because I don't enjoy spending all my time in the grocery store contrary to popular belief. Either that or buy a cow.

Marriage is GRANDE ain't it?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Damn PMS!

So I have tried VERY hard for the past 2 weeks to rein in the calories and exercise daily and for the most part I have done awesome! Until this afternoon. I found myself doing mindless eating...3 Arrowroot cookies (do I have a diaper on?) my body weight in natural almonds (maybe I am part squirrel?) and a cheese stick (the shapes you can make are soo fun!) Not horrible but when I had been SOO good for the past 2 weeks it just BUGS me cause I see myself slipping into old habits..or maybe...JUST maybe..damn AF is sending her message that she's coming to town. DAMN HER!

So I find myself looking at my new bottle of EXTRA strength Midol. Never tried the things in my life but does it cure mindless eating and bitchiness? If so don't let my husband know or I will have my food laden in it! Losing the bloat would be nice too. May have to try it this month.

I did get up and go to the gym at the rec center with a friend and I ran on the treadmill for 30 mins STRAIGHT and then did 20 mins of strength machines. Not bad. Maybe that's why I'm extra hungry. But on the topic of gyms, I am thinking of doing something that I, as early as last NIGHT, said I would never do. I. am. thinking. of. REjoining. the. gym. There I said it and I'm sure the hubby will remind me of how awful I was at going last time. In my defense, just one month after I joined I found out I was pregnant for the first time and you all know you just CAN'T exercise when you're pregnant....right??

So was talking to my girlfriend and I was under the opinion that it was around $100 a month to go but I am VERY wrong. It is like $39 a month! $20 a PAYCHECK..that is PIDDLY and I can SOOOO do that! Plus all the cool Moms at the school are members so we can sweat and act all Wisteria Lane...what FUN! lol.

Been doing the 30 day Shred DVD, Prevention Mag 3-2-1 DVD and my good ole treadmill for exercise. Adding in some gossiping would add to the calorie