Friday, September 5, 2008

The first glass...

Well hello blogland I've missed you so! You see I had a blog and let it get covered with cobwebs and dust and instead of getting out the Pledge and cleaning it off anew, I thought I would just start another one...fresh.

So introductions. My name is Janis and I am married mom to 2 wonderful, crazy kids. They provide me with my daily theater, opera and comedy shows which helps me save on the entertainment budget. My son, Mario, is a gorgeous 6 year old boy who just started Grade One this September. He is a funny little guy who wants to grow up and be just like his Daddy. My daughter Ariel is 4 going on 24 and pushes my boundaries daily. She was diagnosed with ADHD last March and that keeps our days very "colourful" to say the least. She just started Kindergarten today and her teacher (Mrs. S) got a glimpse of her in action. I may need to add her to my wine list as well now. You never know what you are going to get with Ariel but that's what makes her so unique. She comes out with the best one liners that make you laugh until you cry. Other things she does just make you want to cry period. Hubby is a cop in a town here where the ladies dye their hair blue and call to have kitty's rescues from trees. Pretty unstressful job for him I would say on the whole. Me? I am a gum gardener, tooth picker, plaque crusader or more professionally known as a dental hygienist. I only work 2-3 days a week and really do love my job.

I am currently on a challenge of my own to loose around 30 lbs that have found their way BACK onto my butt. How did that happen??? I'll tell you how...lots of bad foods, no exercise and wine. Oh how I love my wine. Within REASON of course but there is nothing that compares, except maybe that first sip of coffee in the morning, with a glass of wine at night after the kids are tucked away and there is QUIET. Ahhhhh Mommy's happy time. But Mommy has to loose a few so the wine bottle is being put in the cabinet and she is drinking water instead and flopping around to Jillian Michaels DVD's at ungodly hours in the morning. It HAS to work dammit.

So hopefully you will join me in my daily challenges and triumphs and have a glass of wine if you feel like it! Cheers!


Elle said...

I can't drink because of my growing fetus... LOL. Have one on my behalf ;)

Bree said...

Hic. Welcome back!

Mom In Scrubs said...

Checking it our from the Overhaul.

Nice place you got here!! I'll be checking it out!!

My son is 7 and daughter is 4, so I'm feelin' ya. My son is the easy child, daughter knows how to push every button. Not ADHD, but definitely my lively and challenging one.

See ya soon, and you're welcome to check out my blog anytime, too!