Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Teenager snuck in my house!

Something is disappearing in my house faster than I can stock it and it is driving me CRAZY! No, it doesn't help that I have raging PMS hormones but my husband is regressing back to a teenager and drinking all my skim milk in buckets! WTF??! Every time I turn around I am having to go buy more milk and I am one glass away from buying my own rigged up taser for my fridge!! (hmm I wonder if that would make nice foam for my lattes? ) HUGE glasses 2-3 a DAY. I would have no problem (or less of one) if he was trying to diet, low on Calcium or hadn't grown pubic hair yet, but he is not and has plenty of the last item *cough cough* I digress..

So he drinks all MY skim milk and then eats bowls of ICE CREAM at night *raises one eyebrow* I have told him that he better show up with the odd gallon here and there because I don't enjoy spending all my time in the grocery store contrary to popular belief. Either that or buy a cow.

Marriage is GRANDE ain't it?

3 comments: said...

I can sympathize with how you must feel. My kids eat up all my food and it makes me nuts; not that I'm trying to starve them or anything but I'm saying. Do I have to go the store four times a week???!! I guess his milk habit is better than a liquor habit. :)

Mom In Scrubs said...

Giggling at the idea of a tazer-rigged fridge.

Might curdle your milk, though.

Is this dairy craving something new for him? If so, that's just weird. He's not pregnant is he?

Elle said...

Ask him if he has osteroporosis ;)